Interviews - I See My Light Shining


836 Hours

Oral history interviews are firsthand testimonies of people’s experiences of history. These interviews invite narrators (interviewees) to talk about their own histories, giving unparalleled insights into life decisions, actions, and experiences that may not already be part of the public record.

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    Rafaela Billini

    Public health activist, real estate professional, and arts enthusiast

    New York City, NY

    Denice Frohman

    Rafaela Billini

    Billini reflects on her AIDS activism and housing advocacy, airline work, law school dreams, and facing pandemics. She shares her Puerto Rican roots, storytelling passion, real estate career, and finding love with Nitza.

    Denice Frohman collection

    New York City, NY


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    Nicky Calma

    AIDS/HIV advocate, trans rights activist, and community leader

    San Francisco, CA

    Carolina De Robertis

    Nicky Calma

    Calma charts her path from the Philippines to San Francisco, reflecting on transgender identity, familial challenges, navigating life in the US, her activism, struggles with substances, and HIV's personal and community impacts.

    Carolina De Robertis collection

    San Francisco, CA


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    Vincent Crisostomo

    AIDS activist and LGBTQ+ rights advocate

    San Francisco, CA

    Carolina De Robertis

    Vincent Crisostomo

    Crisostomo shares his journey as a Chamorro gay man living with HIV since 1987, reflecting on loss, activism, breaking barriers, embracing his identity, advocating for LGBTQ+ rights, and his vision for the future.

    Carolina De Robertis collection

    San Francisco, CA


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    Marsha Roy

    Social justice advocate, nonprofit leader, and champion for educational equity

    Garland, TX

    April Reign

    Marsha Roy

    Roy shares her life as a Texas-born nurse, caring for patients with chronic and terminal illnesses, dealing with personal loss, and navigating experiences with racism. She also discusses her journey from Tyler to Garland.

    April Reign collection

    Garland, TX


    # New Mexico

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    Linda Villarosa

    Author and journalist spotlighting healthcare inequalities

    New York City, NY

    Jenna "J" Wortham

    Linda Villarosa

    Villarosa reflects on growing roots in Chicago, facing racial hostility in Denver, evolving as a Black lesbian in New York, her journalism career with a focus on health, and fighting against the invisibility of Black narratives.

    Jenna "J" Wortham collection

    New York City, NY


    ‘If you want to learn about the history of the place,
    learn about its ocean, as well as the land.’
    Thomas Kaulukukui Jr.